Logix for Restaurants

Logix Restaurant module offers cafés, bars, fast food, tea houses and more as well as automation of such businesses.

Most adaptable 
restaurant management solution.

Logix offers a set of key benefits to restaurants such as increase customer service speed, transparency in customer accountability and other contingencies.

You can set a central management of any number of departments with using Logix for Restaurants easily.


Key benefits for your restaurant management

Enhanced Operations

Increased efficiency of the work with the staff.

Powerful CRM

Effective CRM capabilities with powerful data handling.

Financial Stability

Control over the current financial situation.

Cost Management

Accurately calculation of product cost.

Easy to tune with your business.

Customers’ orders are handled via a handheld terminal or touch screen and transmitted to the centralised network via Wi-Fi. In the Logix Restaurant module, the order details separated from the kitchen, bar or certain sections are printed automatically from printers in the relevant locations.

Cash control

All input-output registration to the cash register.


Minimization of leaks with an end-to-end cash flow monitoring.

Expenses Management

Food procurement, payments, expenses and control.

Measure and control.
Everytime and easily.


Warehouse Control

The products used in the daily warehouse are automatically deducted from the database of the warehouse program.


Faster orders

Collected orders are delivered to customers more quickly and flawlessly.


Sync the sales

Sales sales are automatically transferred to the program and deducted from the database.


Stock control

Comprehensive control over food stocks with formal food recipes.

Set a meeting, today.

Time is your most valuable asset to proceed with your business. So, you should better not to waste it. Drop us a line now and let’s set an introduction meeting to start learning more about Logix.